About us
Get to know our language school, come and study with us!
Hatos Language School has been operating in Győr and its vicinity since 1997 and by now it has become one of the most significant and versatile private educational institution.
Why should you choose Hatos Language School?
- We are a licensed adult education institution
- Due to the amendments in the Hungarian law in 2014 our language school also underwent the licensing procedure. The National Vocational and Adult Education Office registered our institution under the reg. no. E-000451/2014 and approved the following educational programmes: English KER A1-C2 (E-000451/2014 / C001), German KER A1-C2 (E-000451/2014 / C002), Russian KER A1-B2 (E-000451/2014 / C003), French KER A1-B2 (E-000451/2014 / C004), Italian KER A1-C1 (E-000451/2014 / C005) and Spanish KER A1-B2 (E-000451/2014 / C006).
- We work with qualified language teachers, for whom we provide the opportunity for further training with the aid of teacher training programmes, so that they could use the most modern methods in order to hold varied lessons.
- We hold face-to-face lessons for our students in well-equipped classrooms in the city centre.
- We are an accredited exam site from the following language exams: Euroexam, ÖSD, ECL, Goethe, Origo, Cooperative, Entrepreneur, Zöld út
- Most of our teachers are examiners, so you can confidently prepare for the exam you wish to take.
- We have relevant experience in organizing and conducting corporate language courses. We provide our students with usable language skills, thus better working and living conditions.
- Our corporate language courses are customized, which means that we put together our training portfolio in line with the requirements of our clients. We react proactively to changes in the labour market and pay attention to the expectations of workers in the region.
- We provide official translation- and interpretation services, and work with highly experienced translators and interpreters.
- You can meet us not only at lessons, but at particular events.
- European Day of Languages is a joint event with the Europe Direct Office on 26th September each year, when we organize quizzes and competitions for primary and secondary school students and reward the participants with valuable prizes.
- In addition to our central site in Győr, we also have sites in Mosonmagyaróvár and Csorna.
We have a number of awards that prove our high-quality work
- European Language Prize (2008)
- EFQM Committed to Excellence Diploma (2009)
- Shiba Award (2011), Prestige Award (2012)
- Business Ethics Award (2013)
- Award for Excellence in Győr (2013)
- Hungarian Suppliers Award (2013)
Company recommended by the Chamber (2015)